New Adventures of Batman, The: The Complete Series [Import]
The New Adventures of Batman is an animated series produced by Filmation in 1977 featuring the adventures of the DC Comics superheroes, Batman, Robin and often Batgirl. In this series, Batman, Robin and Batgirl battle various villians in Gotham City. Complicating things however is the presence of Batmite, a other-dimensional imp who considers himself the biggest fan of Batman and insists on helping him, regardless of whether Batman wants it or not.DVD Features:Audio Commentary:"Bat-Commentary" - An audio commentary from Filmation historian Michael Swanigan and Filmation founder Lou Schiemer on two of the episodes from the series.Documentary:Dark Versus Light Filmation and the Batman - (1977 marked Batman's return to television in Filmations New Adventures of Batman. Â With interviews ranging from the President of DC Comics to the President of Warner Bros. Animation, the legacy of Filmation will be examined from animation style, to how this core DC character was depicted in this series.
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