Title: Cartoon Animation Binding: Paperback Author: Blair, Preston Publisher: Walter Foster
The Animator's Survival Kit
For the first time, this deluxe visual history treats Peanuts fans to an in-depth look at the art and making of the beloved animated Peanuts specials. From 1965’s original classic A Charlie Brown Christmas through the 2011 release of Happiness is a Warm Blanket, animation historian Charles Solomon goes behind the scenes of all 45 films, exploring the process of bringing a much-loved comic str…
HardCover. Pub Date :2014-04-08 Pages: 160 Language: English Publisher: Disney Editions Walt Disney once wisely said. There is more treasure in books than in all pirates loot on Treasure Island and at the bottom of the Spanish Main .. . and best of all. you can enjoy these riches every day of your life. No doubt Walt was referring to the intangible wealth of opportunities for learning and imagi…