Exciting and heartfelt animated sagebrush saga detailing the adventures of Spirit (narration voiced by Matt Damon), a courageous mustang. After being captured by a U.S. cavalry colonel (James Cromwell) who wants to domesticate him, Spirit is befriended by Little Creek (Daniel Studi), a Lakota Indian, and is attracted to a mare named Rain while on a danger-filled journey to find freedom. Feature…
Spirited Away
Gold Collection edition of Disney's classic "Sword in the Stone" animated feature. Has lots of bonuses, including Micky and Goofy shorts, scrapbook gallery and various music.
The Tick Vs. Season One
After scoring popular hits with When Worlds Collide and The War of the Worlds, special-effects pioneer George Pal returned to the visionary fiction of H.G. Wells to produce and direct this science-fiction classic from 1960. Wells's imaginative tale of time travel was published in 1895 and the movie is set in approximately the same period with Rod Taylor as a scientist whose magnificent time mac…
Titan A.E. (Special Edition)
A Town Called Panic
Toy Story There is greatness in film that can be discussed, dissected, and talked about late into the night. Then there is genius that is right in front of our faces--we smile at the spell it puts us into and are refreshed, and nary a word needs to be spoken. This kind of entertainment is what they used to call "movie magic," and there is loads of it in this irresistible computer animation feat…