Felix the Cat was the first animated superstar, and these early shorts reveal the source of the character's phenomenal popularity. Animator Otto Messmer created Felix for "Feline Follies," a one-shot cartoon designed to fill a gap in an installment of the Paramount Screen Magazine. Messmer had learned how to use mime and expressions by studying the films of Charlie Chaplin, and even in his…
There's a dark underpinning of meanness and a lack of humanity contained within several of the short films in Short 6: Insanity. The animated "Bad Plant" and "Billy's Balloon" are both misanthropic contributions, and only "Franky Goes to Hollywood," which documents a day in the life and career of the dog who starred in Armageddon, and the Sound Bit featurette, "Beyond the Rhythm," really transc…
This is the eighth in a series of DVDs designed to highlight short films and interactive content. Each issue is loosely curated according to a theme: Dreams, Utopia, Seduction, or, in this case, Vision. It's also divided into four sections: narrative, documentary, music, and spoken word. As with most short-film collections, there is a tendency here to try to appeal to everybody, which leads to …