Animation Block Party Mix-Tape includes talent from all over the USA and Europe, exhibiting films from classically trained animators such as Don Duga while balancing the palette with works from international talents like Fin Film from the Netherlands. The lineup is as follows: Fred's Box - Aaron Hughes Boop Beep - Howard Beckerman Fan - Lori Samsel Synthesis (Sin-Thesis) - Matt Sheridan …
Animation Block Party presents Volume Two in their excellent mix-tape series. This DVD features diverse genre shorts from animation talents across the map. The lineup showcases ABP student winner, Marvelous Keen Loony Bin from Lizzi Akana, audience award winner Binge and Purge from Ben Meinhardt. Extras focus on filmmaker interviews and animatic exploration. Other films on the DVD include Tug o…
Among their many idiosyncrasies, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, remained serious cartoon aficionados throughout their lives. They adored animation and their influence on German animation after World War II continues to this day. This study explores Hitler and Goebbels' efforts to establish a German cartoon industry to rival Walt Disney's and their love-hate r…
Paperback. Pub Date :2009-12-08 Pages: 392 Language: English Publisher: Faber & Faber Animation is one of the hottest and most creative areas of film-making today During his more than 40 years in the business. Richard Williams has. been one of the true innovators. and serves as the link between the golden age of animation by hand and the new computer animation successes.In this book. based on h…
The Animator's Survival Kit