Seeking refuge from a storm, timid Richard Tyler enters an empty library only to be swept away into the magical animated world of the Pagemaster. It's a timeless place of wonder and discovery where legendary characters from literary classics come alive. Richard meets the infamous "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide" and comes face to face with the mighty "Moby Dick," the treacherous pirates on "Treasure I…
ReBoot was the first computer animated network series, and these episodes from its third season (1994) reveal how quickly computer visual effects has advanced. The designs look decidedly passé, and the motion-capture animation is limited and uneven. Enzo, the hero of ReBoot, is an adolescent guardian-in-training, fighting to protect the cyberworld from the evil virus Megabyte. Enzo's older…
Samurai Jack - The Premiere Mov
Scooby-Doo ~ Scooby-Doo In Pirates Ahoy
Scooby Doo ~ Original Mysteries
Have you ever had a dream in which you've been cleaning a bathroom while filmmaker Henry Jaglom (Venice/Venice) talks over the phone about movie sex? Well, now you can have that experience vicariously via Rainier Judd's brief, weird introductions to each chapter in this short film anthology on the theme of seduction (of one or another kind). The section called "Marquee" offers Seth Edelste…
After scoring popular hits with When Worlds Collide and The War of the Worlds, special-effects pioneer George Pal returned to the visionary fiction of H.G. Wells to produce and direct this science-fiction classic from 1960. Wells's imaginative tale of time travel was published in 1895 and the movie is set in approximately the same period with Rod Taylor as a scientist whose magnificent time mac…
Avant-garde cinema remains unseen for all sorts of reasons. Because it's rare. Because it's elusive. Because the mainstream distribution and exhibition apparatus is not designed to serve it (and, arguably, to a large extent is designed to suppress and deny it). Because people--that vast army of us proud to be unpretentious "regular moviegoers"--basically don't want to see it, fearing that i…
In this animated prequel to the Van Helsing movie, Van Helsing travels to London to deal with the mischievous Dr. Jekyll
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