In this sequel to Pixar's 2003 smash hit Finding Nemo, lovable, amnesiac blue tang Dory (voiced by Ellen DeGeneres) decides to go off in search of her long-lost parents. With the help of young clown fish Nemo (Hayden Rolence) and his dad Marlin (Albert Brooks), Dory heads for California and the Monterey Marine Life Institute, evading predators along the way as she hopes to find a place she can …
Fire and Ice (Two-Disc Limited Edition)
Flushed Away ~ Flushed Away
The Fox and the HoundThe Fox and the Hound marked the last collaboration between Disney's older artists, including three of the "Nine Old Men" (Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston, and Woolie Reitherman), and the young animators who would make the record-breaking films of the '90s. Based on a book by Daniel P. Mannix, the film tells the story of a bloodhound puppy and a fox kit who begin as friends bu…
Advertised as "X-rated and Animated," Fritz the Cat earned an impressive $25 million in 1972. Screenwriter-director Ralph Bakshi based the film on three of Robert Crumb's stories about a superficial college student who tried to seduce anything in a skirt. The gritty, often gross film shocked U.S. audiences accustomed to innocent flirtations and slapstick comedy in cartoons. Thirty years later, …
Disney ~ Fun & Fancy Free
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer