The world of CARS takes flight in PLANES, Disney's high-flying animated comedy revved up with action and adventure. Join Dusty, a crop duster with sky-high dreams and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to take on the world's fastest flyers in the greatest air race ever. Dusty has a huge heart but two big problems... he's not exactly built for speed, plus he's afraid of heights. His courage is put to t…
Movie version of the television program explores the origins of the Powerpuff Girls and explains why they were born and how they started fighting evil.Genre: Feature Film FamilyRating: PGRelease Date: 3-FEB-2004Media Type: DVD
A minor classic from Disney, this 1973 all-animal, all-animated musical version of the familiar story is more charming than one might expect. Perhaps it's the warm, chummy take on key relationships within the legend--the way Robin Hood (Brian Bedford) gets twitterpated whenever the subject of Maid Marian (Monica Evans) comes up or the way best pal Little John (Phil Harris voicing a variati…
Saving Mr. Banks is a fascinating look at the circuitous "collaborative" process Walt Disney, his creative team, and author P.L. Travers engaged in in bringing the character Mary Poppins to life on the big screen in the early 1960s. This touching, funny film is really two stories nicely tied up in one appealing package. The first story is of P.L. Travers's childhood in Australia in the early 1…
Scooby Doo ~ Original Mysteries
Shrek (Two-Disc Special Edition
Bien des décennies avant que l'industrie hollywoodienne du film ne se distingue par des désastres financiers et de colossales productions de science-fiction, les studios de la Californie du Sud (et plus particulièrement ceux de la Metro Goldwyn Mayer) étaient célèbres pour leurs comédies musicales, phénomène cinématographique typiquement américain (et en voie de disparition). Ce…