This animated comedy takes place in Textopolis, a world inside a smartphone that's inhabited by various emojis. There, an emoji named Gene (voiced by T.J. Miller) is ashamed that he has multiple facial expressions while his colleagues only have one each, and he embarks on a quest across various apps to be like everyone else. James Corden, Anna Faris, Jennifer Coolidge, Patrick Stewart, Sofí…
A wily fox uses his formidable cunning to outsmart three feeble-minded farmers, who resort to extreme tactics to protect their chickens in director Wes Anderson's animated adaptation of the popular Roald Dahl children's book. For 12 years, Mr. and Mrs. Fox (voices of George Clooney and Meryl Streep) have lived a peaceful life in the wilderness with their son, Ash (voice of Jason Schwartzman). S…
In the third installment of the Hotel Transylvania franchise, the monster family embark on a vacation on a luxury monster cruise ship so Drac can take a summer vacation from providing everyone else's vacation at the hotel, and they indulge in all of the shipboard fun the cruise has to offer, from monster volleyball to exotic excursions, as well as catching up on their moon tans. Directed by Gen…
Despicable Me's minions get their very own spin-off in this summer tent-pole from Universal Pictures. Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda co-direct this animated comedy featuring the voices of Sandra Bullock and Jon Hamm.~Jason Buchanan