A well designed, well written animated film has warmth, humor and charm. Since Steamboat Mickey, animators have been creating characters and films that are charming, warm and humorous, allowing people to connect with the animated medium. Animaton fans love the characters for a lifetime. This is the legacy of the countless animators and artists who created the classic characters and fun storie…
The key word here is art: the dynamic 3D art that defines the world of computer games. This book teaches you everything you need to know about the planning, modeling, texturing, lighting, effects creation, and interface design that go into creating today's most advanced and stunning video games. You'll be learning from a master-veteran 3D artist and instructor Matthew Omernick-as you progress t…
There’s no class in art school that can teach you this. Believe it or not, there’s a lot more to directing a great animated film than beautiful illustrations and cool characters. You need to bring out your inner creative visionary and take your savvy leadership skills to the front lines - being great with a pencil, brush, or stylus is not enough. Tony Bancroft released his inner creative vi…
Create amazing animated effects such as fiery blazes, rippling water, and magical transformations. Animation guru Joseph Gilland breaks down the world of special effects animation with clear step-by-step diagrams and explanations on how to create the amazing and compelling images you see on the big screen. 'Elemental Magic' is jam-packed with rich, original illustrations from the author himself…
Adobe Flash CS4 is the leading software for Web designers creating dynamic Web sites. Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Advanced for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide offers the most efficient way for smart, creative, busy professionals to learn Flash. Updated to include the important new features in Flash CS4, this book covers the latest ActionScript standards that make Flash CS4 so powe…