LAIKA, the studio behind the hit films Coraline and ParaNorman, introduces audiences to a new breed of family: the Boxtrolls, a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy named Eggs in the amazing cavernous home they've built beneath the streets of Cheesebridge. When the town's villain, Archibald Snatcher, comes up with a plot to get rid of the Box…
Language:Chinese.HardCover. Pub Date: October 2011 Pages: 504 in Publisher: Aams Since it was first published in 1973. The Art of Walt Disney has established itself as an still indispensable to classic of illustrated book publishing. selling hundreds of thousands of copies. Offering a comprehensive history and tribute to the career and legacy of Walt Disney. this book was the first to reveal th…
Learn from the men who changed animation forever.Walt Disney’s team of core animators, who he affectionately call his "Nine Old Men," were known for creating Disney’s most famous works, as well as refining the 12 basic principles of animation. Follow master animator and Disney legend Andreas Deja as he takes you through the minds and works of these notable animators. An apprentice to the Ni…