This is a thorough, fact-filled guide to creating Web animations. The beginning chapters serve as a primer for animation concepts such as cell and flip-book animation and techniques such as onion-skinning. But throughout the rest of the book, animators get advice on creating animated GIFs as well as Java, QuickTime, Shockwave, and server-push (CGI-based) animations. The authors discuss the pros…
ActionScript 3.0 is a huge upgrade to Flash's programming language. The enhancements to ActionScript's performance, feature set, ease of use, cleanliness, and sophistication are considerable. Essential ActionScript 3.0 focuses on the core language and object-oriented programming, along with the Flash Player API.Essential ActionScript has become the #1 resource for the Flash and ActionScript dev…
You can build everything from simple animations to full-fledged iPhone, iPad, and Android apps with Flash CS6, but learning this complex program can be difficult—unless you have this fully updated, bestselling guide. Learn how to create gorgeous Flash effects even if you have no programming experience. With Flash CS6: The Missing Manual, you’ll move from the basics to power-user tools with …
An out-of-print collector's item since 1986, the definitive account of the development of Disney animation explains what made Disney's style unique and features original sketches and drawings revealing the origins of Mickey and the rest. National ad/promo.