Advertised as "X-rated and Animated," Fritz the Cat earned an impressive $25 million in 1972. Screenwriter-director Ralph Bakshi based the film on three of Robert Crumb's stories about a superficial college student who tried to seduce anything in a skirt. The gritty, often gross film shocked U.S. audiences accustomed to innocent flirtations and slapstick comedy in cartoons. Thirty years later, …
Heavy Traffic is writer-director Ralph Bakshi's follow-up to Fritz the Cat, so if you're looking for a little something to watch with the kids, you might want to search elsewhere. It's an odd little movie, one that seems to both condemn and celebrate depravity at the same time. The hero is Michael, an artist who still lives with his battling parents. Michael is far too sensitive for the cruel c…
Outrageous, outlandish, and more than a little perverse, Mutant Aliens could only have sprung from the mind and drawing board of animator Bill Plympton. As with his previous features The Tune and I Married a Strange Person, Plympton can't sustain an idea very long before he drifts into wild digressions, in this case involving plenty of boisterous sex and blood-spattering violence, and his story…
Simpsons The Movie ~ Simpsons The Movie